This Amino Acid product is the highest potency hydrolysate and free form mixture available. It is ideal for the individual
looking to maximize their available protein intake at the
lowest caloric cost. Whether you are looking for some
additional quality muscle or are in a dieting/hardening-up
program this is the right supplement for you. A 51 percent
hydrolysate of Casein (the industry standard is 12.2 percent) with 55 percent of this product, by weight, coming from free form amino acids in a mixture with the profile of egg protein. AMINO FORMULA's design, featuring the highest degree of hydrolyzation in the industry, offers you the best way to maximize nitrogen intake. This fact is of greater importance in older fitness enthusiasts, since after the age of 20 our enzyme production decreases dramatically (decreasing our ablility to digest protein food sources prior to absorption).
This product was specially manufactured, for its quality and efficacy, according to the specifications of internationally known trainer and nutritionist, David Spindel, M.S., C.P.F.T., for use by his clients. As with all Essential Fitness nutritional products, your satisfaction with this product is UNCONDITIONALLY GUARANTEED.